Odds and Ends (and Things You Shouldn't Miss)

Last night we hosted an informative show with guest and fitness expert Stew Smith. According to Stew, if you do just one thing to try and improve your health, it should be drinking water. Click here to listen. Stew also offers some downloadable fitness programs, which you can find here. We'll have Stew back sometime soon, we barely scratched the surface last night.

Last night we hosted an informative show with guest and fitness expert Stew Smith. According to Stew, if you do just one thing to try and improve your health, it should be drinking water. Click here to listen. Stew also offers some downloadable fitness programs, which you can find here. We'll have Stew back sometime soon, we barely scratched the surface last night.

Our chat room is growing and expanding each day. We love the chat room, it's really been a great way to hang out with other milspouses in real time. We laugh. A lot. If you want to join the chat room, all you have to do is request an invitation. And, you'll want to make sure that you have your invitation before our Sunday evening Pajama Party because....

We'll be making a announcement that will be of interest to military spouses everywhere on Sunday. In fact, you'll be the first to hear this announcement. Plus, we will be joined by a very special mystery guest and trust me, you don't want to miss this.

Finally, a reminder that registration for SpouseBUZZ LIVE Ft. Bragg/Pope is now open. Some of our regular readers have already registered, and we can't wait to meet you. Click here to register.