Blog Talk Radio continues the SpouseBuzz Blogging Series

Last night, Andi and I were very fortunate to be able to speak with Matt of "Blackfive", and Tim of "Captain Patti, the sweetest woman on the planet goes to Baghdad".

Last night, Andi and I were very fortunate to be able to speak with Matt of "Blackfive", and Tim of "Captain Patti, the sweetest woman on the planet goes to Baghdad".

As with every show, but this show in particular,  I felt a HUGE responsibility throughout the day presenting this information. 

The military blogging is a powerful force.   And I have seen the military bloggers change things one person at a time.  It has been amazing.

I hope you all take the time to listen to the program,
we talk about the significance of military blog, the support they
offer, the news they provide, and how we as a community,  have changed
the face of today's military landscape. 

Thank you to all who joined us in the chat room.  I wish we would have had MORE time.