An Early Holiday Gift for Military Spouses

The Holiday season is generally rough on military families that have a loved one deployed. I remember attending midnight service on Christmas Eve....alone. While that is my favorite service of the year, my better half was across the globe and my heart was heavy.   

The Holiday season is generally rough on military families that have a loved one deployed. I remember attending midnight service on Christmas Eve....alone. While that is my favorite service of the year, my better half was across the globe and my heart was heavy.   

SpouseBUZZ LIVE Ft. Bragg/Pope AFB will take place on December 1, and it will fall between two major holidays, Thanksgiving and Christmas. A time that can be stressful and lonely for military families. contacted me earlier today to say that they want to cover the registration fees for everyone attending. A Holiday gift to the attendees. WOW! So, although $10 was a small price to pay for such a great event, SpouseBUZZ LIVE Ft. Bragg/Pope is now FREE. And trust me, it's the perfect medicine for the holiday blues that some of you may be experiencing by the time the SpouseBUZZ crew rolls into town.

For those of you who have already registered, your registration fees will be refunded. I'll let you know how that will be handled once I'm informed. For those of you who haven't registered, what are you waiting for? Click here to register.

We'll see you on December 1st.......