What a Year!

Welcome to our new readers! Today, we're celebrating our first birthday. Regular posting will resume tomorrow. In the meantime, you can take a stroll through our humor, PCS or deployment archives and scroll down during the day to see what the other SpouseBUZZ authors have to say about our first birthday. This post will stay on top until tonight.

Welcome to our new readers! Today, we're celebrating our first birthday. Regular posting will resume tomorrow. In the meantime, you can take a stroll through our humor, PCS or deployment archives and scroll down during the day to see what the other SpouseBUZZ authors have to say about our first birthday. This post will stay on top until tonight.


One year and one night ago, I didn't sleep a wink. I knew we would be launching SpouseBUZZ the following morning. I tossed and I turned, and my mood alternated between fear and excitement.

September 19, 2006 was an exciting day for the SpouseBUZZ authors, and for military.com. We knew that the spouse community could benefit from something like SpouseBUZZ and we desperately wanted to get it right. We wanted to give all of you a comfortable, cozy, welcoming cyber-home. The kind of home that made you relax and shake off the cold as soon as you walked in the front door.

859 posts and almost 700,000 peeks later, I think that we've built just such a home. And by "we," I mean the authors and you. The beauty of SpouseBUZZ is that we have two-way conversations here, thanks to you. Your comments, questions and suggestions are what makes SpouseBUZZ exciting and we can't thank you enough for sharing your stories and experiences with us over the past year. We've learned so much from you.

One year ago, I couldn't possibly have imagined how SpouseBUZZ would grow and evolve. SpouseBUZZ has grown into more than just a blog, again, because of you. We now have a book club, a SpouseBUZZ store, a new chat room and a new radio program. We've also been able to travel across the country and meet some of you in person. By the way, we're working on our next LIVE event even as I type, and we look forward to meeting more of you.

Interestingly, I was just as excited to turn my laptop on this morning as I was that morning we launched, one year ago. It's like that every single day. I can not wait to see what has been posted since I last looked. I can't wait to read what you have to say about it. I can't wait to find out who our next radio show will feature. I can't wait to read your email and your comments. I can't wait to hang out with you guys each day. You have become like family to me.

I want to give some huge kudos to the SpouseBUZZ authors. SpouseBUZZ is truly a group effort. The spouses write because they want to, and because they believe it's important. And it is. Especially today, as wartime deployments are so frequent. The love for -- and commitment to -- the military spouse community that these ladies (and man) have never ceases to amaze me. I'm in awe of them.

For those of you who weren't here from the beginning, some of the authors will be "reintroducing" themselves today. You can also take a look at our archives (on the right-hand side). We'll stroll down memory lane on Sunday evening at the SpouseBUZZ Pajama Party heard on SpouseBUZZ Talk Radio. Please join us.

So, Happy Birthday SpouseBUZZ. Here's to many, many more......

Make a wish. Sometimes they really do come true.