The Reintroduction of airforcewife

I feel like breaking into a Marilyn Monroe rendition of Happy Birthday!

I feel like breaking into a Marilyn Monroe rendition of Happy Birthday!

Luckily, although we've got a great website and a radio show, we don't have a TV Talk contract.  So you'll be spared.

For those of you who haven't been around since September 19 last year, I thought I'd re-introduce myself a little.

If you glance over to the sidebar, you'll see a cartoonish figure of a chubby red-head that looks overwhelmed and accessorizes with children.  That would be me.  In retrospect, I do wish that I could have added my beloved husband, AirForceGuy , into the picture.  He's really hot.  You'll hear me say that a lot.

Our family started out in the military in 1993, when my husband was 17 and he enlisted in the Army Reserves.  I won't say exactly what led to a 17 year old enlisting, but that was 15 years ago.  Incidentally, our eldest daughter is 15.

After college, I made the switch from being an Army wife to being an Air Force wife.  Thus my nomme de blog, which really isn't all that creative considering that it's merely what I DO.  It's like a doctor posting under the nic "urologist", or a professor using the name "geometry teacher".  Except that it really is different, because "airforcewife" isn't just what I do - it's what I AM.

In the last year as a member of SpouseBUZZ, I've managed to settle the affairs of my crazy mother in law,fly cross country alone with four kids and a dog , reunite with my husband after his second deployment , attend two simply AMAZING SpouseBUZZ Live eventsride on an airplane with a horribly broken and smelly bathroom, walk around the White House with the back of my skirt ripped all the way up, get kicked off a talk show, interviewed my premier literary crush Brad Thor on SpouseBUZZ radio, had my son pee on the Base Commander's lawn, talked to the military supportive band Drowning Pool on SpouseBUZZ radio, and have bomb dogs at the UN surround myself and hubby (FYI - the smells of Iraq and Afghanistan will set the dogs off every time).  And that's not even mentioning the things I didn't blog about.

We regularly play Military Spouse Poker around here - armywifetoddlermom and I are big hand betters, but we love it when everyone else joins in.  In fact, I think we'll be needing another poker thread around here sometime soon.

Seriously, though, I this has been a wonderful year - and I'm so grateful to have been able to participate in something as wonderful as SpouseBUZZ has turned out to be.  Please make sure to direct your applause towards our wonderful "den mother" Andi, who managed to pull this whole thing off.  She's living proof that spouses can be super-heroes, too!