Military Home Owner Woos?

A new comment on a prior posting got me thinking. 

A new comment on a prior posting got me thinking. 

How are recent changes in the US housing market impacting military families, if at all?  How many of you are having issues trying to sell or rent your home pre or post PCS?  How many of you have decided to purchase a home recently and why?  How many of you have decided to delay purchasing a home and why?

For those of you trying to sell a home:

Are you having to double up on mortgage payments due to selling issues?

Are you staying in one location while your spouse transfers to a new duty station because you cannot sell your home as fast as you had hoped?

Have you tried any of the below websites with success or did you strictly utilize a Realtor?

Military By Owner

Automated Housing Referral Network

Military Owners

For Sale By Military

Military Homes For Sale

My Military Classifieds Classifieds

Sound off on this topic and let us know any type of problems/successes you are having and how home ownership has impacted your military family.