Happy Anniversary, Spousebuzz!!!!

Wow, has it really been a year since Andi and the gang opened up Spousebuzz?

Wow, has it really been a year since Andi and the gang opened up Spousebuzz?

I am the newcomer to Spousebuzz, at least on the author side of things, but I do remember when it all started.  What a great ride this first year has been and how exciting to think of what will happen in the second.

I introduced myself only two months ago.  Since then, I've talked about various things WITH you and even managed to drop a dime on Lancelot only yesterday!!

What I really want to write about today is all of you.

The military that I married into is not the one that most of you all did. I married into the one where it was okay to complain about 6 month Med floats because that was the worst thing we could think of.

Pre Iraq, pre Afghanistan, pre 9/11, pre Gulf War..yeah..okay, pre Noah's Ark even.  I'm not old...I'm vintage just like my little Semperfiwife icon!!!

Most of you married your DH's after one or more of these events and the military has changed dramatically since I was smacked on the err..uhh...bustle and welcomed to the Marine Corps.  Most of you did this understanding that what I called my "might happen" was your reality.

A dear friend of mine refers to military spouses as steel magnolias.  I think she's right.  I constantly marvel at your strength, your love, your warmth, your friendship and your willingness to put yourself out there for another milspouse.  It has moved me to tears on more than one occasion.  I learn from you all every day.

Many thanks to Andi for asking me to go along for the ride.  Congratulations for having the vision and the wherewithal to put it together.  It's been a great one so far, babe, and I look forward to the future!!