Get Tech-Savvy

The technology train is moving and we don't want it to leave the station without us.

The technology train is moving and we don't want it to leave the station without us.

I've heard from a lot of you who say you listen to the archived versions of our radio shows. If you have an iPod, you can download the shows straight into your iTunes folder, and into your iPod, by subscribing to our feed. You can do that by clicking on this link. On the right-hand side, you will see a button that says, "subscribe with iTunes." If you use another feed aggregator, like Google, Yahoo, Bloglines, AOL, etc., you can also subscribe to the feed there. The advantage to downloading to the iPod is that you can listen to a show while you're working out, driving, etc.. You're not chained to a computer.

Also, we do have the Yahoo IM group, which has been great and we seem to add new members each week, but it doesn't work that well during our shows because we can't easily chat as a group. I'm working on establishing a more interactive chat room that we will use during our radio shows so that we can chat collectively, so standby for that. I'm hoping we'll have this in place for Sunday evening's show.

Finally, I want to point you to the SpouseBUZZ RSS feed. If you are a blog consumer, you really should look at subscribing to the RSS feed of your favorite blogs. You can log on and do a quick scan of new posts and headlines from your favorite blogs and it saves you some time. Rather than clicking on the links of your favorite blogs only to find out there is no new content, the RSS feed shows fresh posts all in one organized page.

Technology is always changing, for the better too. We're committed to using it and keeping up with it here at SpouseBUZZ.