The Army Integrated Family Support Network

Big changes are in store for Army families, active and reserve components. News you can use:

Big changes are in store for Army families, active and reserve components. News you can use:

The Army Integrated Family Support Network, a new program to provide assistance to Soldiers and their Families in geographically dispersed areas was announced today by Secretary of the Army Pete Geren and Army Chief of Staff Gen. George Casey.

"In this era of persistent conflict, we can expect continuing deployments and to sustain this effort, we have to eliminate the old way of supporting Families, and replace it with a system to support all Army Families with means that respond to a globally networked society communicating in mobile ways," Sec. Geren said.

What is your Chain of Command/FRG telling you about AIFSN?

Related: This news article leaves me filled with questions.

With military families under pressure from repeat deployments, the Army is launching another manpower surge -- on the home front.

It's hiring more than 1,000 civilian workers to help run the networks that support families of deployed active-duty soldiers, along with those of the Army Reserve and National Guard.

Family Readiness Groups have been operated entirely by family volunteers. Now, though, with many families living through a third or even fourth deployment, they need help.

"There has been some concern that some of the volunteers are pretty much stressed to the max, and this was a way the Army could step in and help," said Sally Bean, the Family Readiness Support Assistant for the 18th Airborne Corps at Fort Bragg.

More to follow soon. For now, give us your read on this new program.