A Year Does Make a Difference...

I re-read the post I wrote here a year ago and while some things are "the same", I realize they truly have changed. 

I re-read the post I wrote here a year ago and while some things are "the same", I realize they truly have changed. 

I'm betting if you think back to a year ago, the same is true for you.

I'm still in law school, but now instead of being in my second semester, I'm in my second to last.  And, I still question if it was the right decision.  Now, rather than worrying about what to take next semester, I'm worried about finding a job and passing the bar--and not necessarily in that order!

Hubs and I are on the backside of five years of marriage.  M1 is now a third grader, but her heart is still solid gold.  M2 is 4 and still our little firecracker.  We lost Oscar the Wonder Mutt in May, but Annie our M1_and_oscar_2 Golden(now 5)has found a new playmate in Henry--a three-year-old chocolate lab we adopted from rescue a couple weeks ago.  He's a gem and his fit right into our family.  I imagined it would take us awhile to want to fill the gap Oscar left in our household, but we went to hell and back to find Henry, let me tell you, which makes us appreciate him all the more.  Sometimes that's how it is, though, isn't it?  You aren't really sure if you wanted something until it doesn't look like it will happen and then--it consumes you and it's all you can think about until it occurs.

SpouseBuzz has been evolving and changing to meet your interests and needs.  We've been more M2goofy3interactive with the radio program and chat rooms in addition to our posts' comment sections.  We've even met many of you in real life and THAT is always a thrill!

Here's to the new year with SpouseBuzz and all that it will surely hold.  I can't wait to recount our accomplishments next September...fingers crossed I'll have a job, a good feeling about the bar exam results and a happy kindergartener at home!