The Cherry Pop Tarts Are Calling

This weekend, Hubs has duty.  My mother is entertaining M1 and M2.  I am home alone and I should be working on a research project.

This weekend, Hubs has duty.  My mother is entertaining M1 and M2.  I am home alone and I should be working on a research project.

But, I'm not.  I'm considering having an affair...

Not that kind of an affair!  I'll leave that to the neighbors across the street.

No, I'm talking the kind of affair that tracks you down when you are at your weakest and takes over every corner of your mind.

For me, this obsession takes the form of Frosted Cherry Pop Tarts.  Poptart_2

I'm all about them.  Toasted edges, pink frosting, magenta sugar sprinkles, and the filling...eeks!  They are SO good!  And, after discovering I only have to sacrifice 4 Weight Watcher points to eat one, I think I can allow myself the indiscretion.  After all, I keep a box (okay, boxeS) on hand for just such an occasion.

And, given the schedule I normally keep and even more so when I'm without Hubs to help me around the house, Pop Tarts can be a nice, sweet distraction.  They are portable and tasty at any time in the day you allow yourself the fun of eating one.

Poptart_3 I'm surely not the only milspouse having an 'affair' of this nature, am I?  What's your go-to when you need a little pick-me-up?  Do you sneak a cat nap?  Do you watch a 'guilty pleasure/brain candy' show on TV?  Do you sift through catalogs and imagine what your dream home would look like?

That's about the only way my fantasy could be any better.  Eating a Pop Tart while living inside a Pottery Barn catalog would pretty much do it for me. 

So, spill.

What's your go-to get-away when you can't get away?