Shakin' My Groove Thang

I would like someone - ANYONE - to explain to me how on earth it can be possible that I'm not a skinny stick woman with all the running around, cleaning, picking up after my kids and yard work that I do. 

I would like someone - ANYONE - to explain to me how on earth it can be possible that I'm not a skinny stick woman with all the running around, cleaning, picking up after my kids and yard work that I do. 

Whatever the quantum physics of the situation (I'm sure there are over 8000 different mathematical equations to explain why constant motion doesn't burn the amount of calories we think it should) - and yes, I understand the role of genetics and the fact that life is just not fair!- I find myself firmly in the camp of "People Who Need to Exercise Regularly".

I spend a lot of time in the workout DVD section of various stores.

Now, I do not have the work-out fortitude of armywifetoddlermom, who manages to make sure she does some kick-butt yoga on a regular schedule.  And it has totally paid off for her, too!  She's got the cutest figure!

I try, I really do, but I often find myself going a few weeks (or months) unable to find the time in my day to do a workout routine that I like enough to stick with.

I am currently back on my exercise kick.  Five days a week, I manage to make sure that I'm moving in some way - at the moment, a mix of yo-lates and cardio dance routines.

First - the yo-lates.  Love them!  In the past, my experience has been that yoga/pilates really relax me and really intensely work my muscles.  I feel good after doing them, but my one complaint would be that the yo-lates instructor on the Crunch videos is just too perky and happy for someone who is working out.  Really.  That doesn't inspire me to work harder, it makes me want to slap someone.

And can we please get some sweat on those people?  Real sweat, fake sweat, I don't care.  Just some kind of moist substance on them so I don't feel like the ugly fat kid with the frizzy hair next to their glamorous coolness.

On the days I don't do yo-lates, I do a cardio dance DVD.  I do these things at home, because I don't have daycare to hit the base gym and because there is no gym with childcare available within a comfortable driving distance.  Also, I am well aware of how ridiculous I look trying to get my funk on.  In fact, I quite often find myself having to forgo the arm exercises to give myself "extra support", which just looks wrong on so many levels.  I have no urge to let THAT picture get out in the public sphere!

  So, back to the cardio dance.  I bought the DVD thinking it would be fun, and it is!  I've always loved dancing, so I don't mind turning the TV on and shaking my booty.  A word to the wise on this, though - if you are not used to Latin dancing on a regular basis, your hips will not be happy after you are done.  I had so much fun doing the samba, the cha cha, and the merengue and I felt pretty sexy with all the hip shaking so that I put my whole self into it.

I'm not walking all that well today.  I kind of resemble an 80 year old woman with arthritis.

I'm really going to try and stick with an exercise routine this time; even though we are getting ready to PCS in about 60 days, even though we know hubby will be spending a lot of time gone at his next job, and even though we don't know how big our next living room will be (of big importance in deciding whether or not one can do the workout routine).  I'm really going to try.

Of course, it does give me some incentive that two mornings ago my #3 daughter caught me trying to get dressed and said, "Mommy, didn't those jeans used to fit you?"

Why yes, yes they did.  And as God as my witness, they will again.