
Yesterday,  we all woke under the same roof!  What a way to start the day.

Yesterday,  we all woke under the same roof!  What a way to start the day.

You see, like most of you, my DH has been gone a lot in the past 5 years.  It is the nature of the job.  This has meant DH has missed a lot of milestones.   He has missed a lot, especially those eventsDsc01238
we consider milestones, and firsts.  First birthdays, smiles, giggles, words, crawling, standing, walking, teeth....

The list of missed milestones, is longer than what he has been able to witness. 

So it was a treat, for me to relinquish holding my little boys hand, so he could be escorted by his baby sister, and Father.

I could have went as well, but for some reason I wanted ONE moment, ONE moment, where my Son could look back and recall his Daddy at his side for such an important moment. 

Because being a military brat means, never knowing if Daddy will be there for a  first day of school,  a recital, a graduation, a birth, a ballgame.   

So I stepped back for a moment, and I watched.