I Hope You've Found What You're Searching For

I recently looked at the various Internet searches (Google, AOL, Yahoo, Feedburner, etc.) that result in people landing at SpouseBUZZ. Some of them are funny, some are sad, and some are just, well, you'll see....

I recently looked at the various Internet searches (Google, AOL, Yahoo, Feedburner, etc.) that result in people landing at SpouseBUZZ. Some of them are funny, some are sad, and some are just, well, you'll see....

So, I thought I would offer some commentary on a few of the searches because I'm unmotivated at the moment (even though I have 100 other things I should be doing), I have a twisted sense of humor and occasionally it's fun to make mountains out of molehills. So, here goes:

Search link is in bold/italics. Resulting page landing is linked in the commentary that follows.

Military Discounts on Daddy Dolls.

I certainly hope you were looking for Flat Daddies because I don't know too many daddies who carry dolls, especially military daddies. If military daddies carried dolls, well, you might imagine that there would be cause for concern. Boy, oh boy, I do hope we're not talking about the other kind of daddy doll. No, I refuse to go there....

Military Spouse Power of Attorney.

Don't let the word "power" fool you. Biggest lesson of all - get a Specific Power of Attorney for any conceivable situation. Good luck...

What Does Bodacious Mean?

Well, the technical definition is below:

Pronunciation: bO-'dA-sh&s
Function: adjective
Etymology: probably blend of bold and audacious
1 Southern & Midland : OUTRIGHT, UNMISTAKABLE
2 : REMARKABLE, NOTEWORTHY <a bodacious bargain>
3 : SEXY, VOLUPTUOUS <bodacious babes>

All good definitions, but I'm sure you were referring to number three, which is, no doubt, why you landed here. Just take a look at the photos at SpouseBUZZ. I think you have your answer now. Heh!

How did a bat get in my house? (Feedburner search, must be logged in to search).

I don't know how a bat got in your house, but I certainly know why you landed here at SpouseBUZZ. Hope your husband isn't deployed, by the way. Deployment tends to complicate bat matters.

When is My Husband's Unit Coming Home?

Well, I'm not entirely sure, but I am wondering why this search was necessary. Please do tell me that we don't have a dysfunctional FRG at work here, or a rumor mill wreaking havoc. Why is this wife searching such a thing? All kinds of possibilities. What if she is trying to get things ready for the big homecoming and it's causing her some angst. The day I don't make up the bed or clean the floor or shave my legs, he'll arrive. Okay, here's my advice - get some fancy undergarments and keep them with you at all times - on the nightstand, in the car, in your pocketbook because, well, things might not go according to plan and I think it would be better to have fancy undergarments on than having a clean floor. Your husband can thank me later.

I love you too.

Thank you, we do love feedback from our readers. We love you too. Group Hug, everyone...

There's my fun for the day, now back to the 100 other things that are waiting.