Get into that kitchen and rattle those pots and pans

It's been a blue couple of days here at Casa Semper Fi.  All of the "little" Semper Fis are back at their respective institutions of higher learning, Soul Sister has PCS'ed to the other side of the world, and Lancelot is back to work.  I don't know where my summer went but it is pretty much over. The house is very quiet and very empty.  AND it's been raining for two days. Blah...blah....blah...

It's been a blue couple of days here at Casa Semper Fi.  All of the "little" Semper Fis are back at their respective institutions of higher learning, Soul Sister has PCS'ed to the other side of the world, and Lancelot is back to work.  I don't know where my summer went but it is pretty much over. The house is very quiet and very empty.  AND it's been raining for two days. Blah...blah....blah...

In my kitchen is one of the best cures for the missing somebody blahs... cookbooks.

For some reason, when I make a friend's recipe, I feel closer to them.  I think about the fun we had as we ate that dish, the laughter and most importantly, the friendship.
In honor of Soul Sister, I'm going to make her Roasted Red Pepper soup today.  I have had it several times at her house but the best memory was of the night before I moved away and we had dinner at her house for the last time (as neighbors). 

When I am thinking about Kathy, I make Beef and Barley soup.  I was moving our household goods from a rental out in town to a house on base at Lejeune.  Of course, Lancelot was deployed at the time.
At 6:00 pm and in the pouring rain, we discovered that the moving van had two flat tires while fully loaded with my things.  The only things we could move in that evening were the beds.  Cold and tired, we were trying to figure out what we were going to eat for dinner when Kathy showed up with her soup, bread and pudding.  Talk about saving the day!!!  It's a very warm memory of a good friend.

Scottish Dawn's Cappuccino Trifle brings back memories of huge neighborhood get togethers, of a strong sense of community and of course, friendship and sisterhood.  Did I mention how delicious it is?

There are also dishes that I make that evoke memories.  My chicken enchiladas have been brought to parties, bridal showers, baby showers, delivered to new parents and sadly, to Gold Star families. 
That recipe is a mixed bag of memories.

My grandmother's Sour Cream Chicken Squares.  She is 91 and still feisty and kicking.  Amazing woman and this dish is one of  my middle daughter's favorites. 

One of the reasons why I have many friend's recipes is that our neighborhood put together a yearly cookbook.  Everyone submitted recipes which were organized and indexed, copied at Kinko's, put in folders and sold at cost ($6.00).   For that $6.00, I have the recipes and the memories of many a great Bunco meal, cookout, party, etc.  It is totally worth it.

*I am not posting recipes because this is not that kind of a blog but if you want a recipe or want to share one, email me at