Is it Possible for Military Spouses to Find a Transportable Career?

Military spouses looking for a career often face challenges that most of our civilian counterparts do not. We're always on the move. New town. New job market. New industries. A resume as long as I-95, with gaps in employment as wide as the Grand Canyon. Oh, and there's the whole low-man-on-the-totem-pole issue. By the time you've built up enough seniority to actually receive some nice bonuses/benefits, it's time to move and start all over again. Let's face it, finding and maintaining a career is neither fun nor easy for many military spouses.

Military spouses looking for a career often face challenges that most of our civilian counterparts do not. We're always on the move. New town. New job market. New industries. A resume as long as I-95, with gaps in employment as wide as the Grand Canyon. Oh, and there's the whole low-man-on-the-totem-pole issue. By the time you've built up enough seniority to actually receive some nice bonuses/benefits, it's time to move and start all over again. Let's face it, finding and maintaining a career is neither fun nor easy for many military spouses.

But there are options - great options, and we need to be aware of them.

Tomorrow evening on SpouseBUZZ Talk Radio, we're going to be talking with two military spouses who have managed to find work that is both fulfilling and transportable.

Military spouse, Joanna Williamson is one motivated lady. Joanna is the brains behind the Atta Girl! products. Sound familiar? It should, we've profiled Atta Girl! here at SpouseBUZZ. Joanna's passion doesn't begin and end with Atta Girl!, she is also one of the co-founders of Military Spouse Business, a non-profit organization dedicated to making sure military spouses who own their own business have all of the resources they need in order to keep their businesses thriving. 

For those of you who are not interested in starting a small business, there's another option. Last year, while working on SpouseBUZZ LIVE San Diego, I was introduced to Kathy Rockel, a lovely lady. Kathy is the Vice-President of Transcription Relief Services, LLC (TRS). The TRS institute offers on-line courses in medical transcription, and work-from-home employment. TRS is a very attractive company for military spouses, particularly because they have a Special Military Spouse Program.

Those who dedicate their lives to service to our country, spending much of their time separated from their families and friends, often paying the ultimate price, are often acknowledged. We see the stories of our military on TV, in the newspapers, on the radio, and even in the multiple military blogs that are written. At TRS Institute, we are proud of those who choose this life of service for our country.

There is another story to this group, however, and that is often forgotten military spouses. In the same way that the military personnel give of themselves, so, too, does the military spouse. We at TRS Institute, have a heart for the military and the military spouses. Our Vice President was raised in a military family and our Director of Education was once a military spouse. Simply put, we know the challenges you face as a military spouse.


Medical transcription is a great opportunity for the military spouse. Imagine, if you will, having a job in a profession that is portable. No more having to uproot your career and seek another position when your spouse's transfer comes through! With the technology of today and the work-at-home opportunities, the military spouse can now take their job with them, no matter where they are stationed. At TRSi, we are committed to making that a reality for the military spouses who wish to pursue this profession.

Mandy Vasquez-Ochoa, one of the military spouses who received her training from TRS, will tell us how TRS gave her a career which allows her to work from anywhere, no matter where the military sends her.

Join us tomorrow evening at 9:00 p.m. EDT on SpouseBUZZ Talk Radio as we talk all-things-career with these two spouses. Have questions? Call 646.478.5665 to be live on-air with us, or submit a question or comment via the Yahoo IM Group. Yahoo name is spousebuzz.

Another excellent resource for military-friendly employment is the Military Spouse Career Center. Check it out.

Update: Click here to listen to the radio show. The show runs about 28 minutes.

See our previous posts on milspouses and careers by clicking on our "Career Index."

Update II: AWTM discusses the nursing option. The good, the bad and the ugly.