You Mean Have a Restaurant?

One of the great things about a PCS move is that usually our spouses have several days when they arrive at their new duty station before they have to report for duty. Of course, most of that time is spent getting settled into a new home and acquainting the family with the new surroundings, both on and off-post.

One of the great things about a PCS move is that usually our spouses have several days when they arrive at their new duty station before they have to report for duty. Of course, most of that time is spent getting settled into a new home and acquainting the family with the new surroundings, both on and off-post.

It's been our family's experience that we generally have a little time left over to chill and spend some quality time together. When my husband and I first moved to Washington, D.C., we worked only two miles from one another. We did this for three years. During those three years, we never met up for lunch. Not once. Our work schedules kept both of us incredibly busy and we were unable to get together for one measly hour in three years.

Yesterday, my husband and I had a free day. I work from home, so I took a break from work and went shopping and exploring the new town with my husband. We decided on the spur of the moment to head to a local restaurant and have lunch. Lunch. Together. During what would usually be a work day.

Sounds a little nutty to gush about having a simple lunch with my husband, but it's a luxury that we're not generally afforded. I enjoyed being at lunch with my husband when the rest of the world was out working and living their hectic lives. In fact, it was a treat that I wouldn't have traded for anything. Not even a massage and a facial! I loved my lunch date. Food was yummy and the company was first-rate.

So you see, sometimes PCS moves have their benefits....