
We previously discussed Privatized Housing back in January.  This is a continuous hot topic, so let's do some follow up.

We previously discussed Privatized Housing back in January.  This is a continuous hot topic, so let's do some follow up.

Many new comments are still coming in on the prior posting about housing.

Some of you are new visitors to SpouseBUZZ, so please share your thoughts on Privatized Housing with us.

Those of you that frequent SpouseBUZZ and have follow up stories, experiences or issues, please sound off.

Are you happy with your situation?  Are you very unhappy?  Has your happiness/unhappiness changed recently?

Congress brought us Privatized Housing, so let's share experiences and thoughts on the program with each other and share how it has impacted our lives and the lives of our military families thus far.

My current issue with our housing company is that they have failed, time and again, to give residents advance knowledge of any and all newly implemented programs that eventually impact each of us living on the installation.  Due to this fact, I am only left to assume (glass half empty) that in the future they may allow other changes to move forward in which paying residents are given no prior notice.  I would just like to have advance notice given to current residents about any and all possible changes and would appreciate town hall type meetings which would allow residents to voice their concerns and opinions.

Negative, positive or neutral, please share your stories.  Share, share, share!!