Wonderful News - Follow Up Post

About a week ago, I wrote about The Sad End of an Era. 

About a week ago, I wrote about The Sad End of an Era. 

Today, I found one of those trademarked MilSpouse moments when you just KNOW someone is watching out for you.  I found someone - a big company even!- who showed me that military families are still on their list of people to care about.

As hubby and I paid for our new monitor at Best Buy, lo and behold - during check-out they ask you if you would be willing to donate to Fisher House!


Many, many people commented that it wasn't about the money, it was about knowing someone cares.  When I go to PetSmart, donations are solicited for "homeless pets".  That makes sense.  Civilian grocery stores hang up those paper thingies for United Way and other charities. 

But Best Buy supports Fisher House.  And as omnipresent as the knowledge of what amazing things Fisher House does is to military families, it is not as well known in the "regular" world.  I asked several relatives if they knew what Fisher House was, and those who were not military members had never heard of it.

It's not about a discount to me.  Not at all.  It's about an understanding.  And as frustrated as many of us have been with major corporations for seeming to ignore military families by offering AAA discounts and AARP discounts, but then not having a military discount (or having a military discount at a far lower rate), I thought it was also very important to point out corporations that have taken an interest in and responsibility for military families.

I donated to Fisher House today.  Thank you Best Buy!