Wanted: food watcher

The Collective received gift certificates this week for participating in the public libraries summer reading program.  So of course I used them as leverage.  "If you are good this week, we will go out for dinner. " Quite frankly it was going to be  bigger treat for me, as I would get out of cooking, and doing dishes.

The Collective received gift certificates this week for participating in the public libraries summer reading program.  So of course I used them as leverage.  "If you are good this week, we will go out for dinner. " Quite frankly it was going to be  bigger treat for me, as I would get out of cooking, and doing dishes.

Upon entering, I took The collective to the restroom, and then we were seated by the hostess.

we decide what we decide what we want (this took about 10 minutes),
placed the order, got the food, took two bites, when my 5 year old
announces "I have to go to the restroom".  I told the waitress with a
wink on the way, we would be right back. 

We returned to find our table freshly bussed. 

Please DH hurry home, I need my food watcher!

On the drive home, I couldn't help but  think, this has to be  pretty common in the World of Milspousery. 

manager was nice, he offered to bring us "more food", but frankly The
Collective were not about to sit and wait for another batch of food to
be brought out.  I opted for the gift certificates.....*