In Case You Missed It...

Last night on SpouseBUZZ Talk Radio we were joined by Donna Musil, the filmmaker of BRATS: Our Journey Home. Among the many things we learned were that GBear is an introvert, (who knew?) there is a registry for military brats, which means years from now your children will be able to reconnect with their old friends if they are registered, a teaser about why you absolutely won't want to miss our July 19 show and (que dramatic music) SpouseBUZZ LIVE is coming to the East Coast.

Last night on SpouseBUZZ Talk Radio we were joined by Donna Musil, the filmmaker of BRATS: Our Journey Home. Among the many things we learned were that GBear is an introvert, (who knew?) there is a registry for military brats, which means years from now your children will be able to reconnect with their old friends if they are registered, a teaser about why you absolutely won't want to miss our July 19 show and (que dramatic music) SpouseBUZZ LIVE is coming to the East Coast.

Click on the icon below to hear the entire show.

Our hour with Donna Musil was fascinating. One hour felt like five minutes. Donna was a great guest. Engaging, intelligent, warm and funny. Donna said something that I found interesting. Watching her film with her mother has brought the two of them closer together. It's interesting to look at military life from various perspectives. To have our spouses see things from our eyes is enlightening to them. For military parents to be able to view military life from the perspective of their children is also enlightening. Thanks to Donna, millions of military parents now have that gift.

If you purchase the DVD, let us know what your thoughts were about the film. We'd love to hear your feedback.