Feeling Appreciated Yet?

SO...you've been a military spouse for 10 day, 10 years, 45 years!  Are you feeling under appreciated?  Over tasked? Over whelmed?  Do you think the world doesn't notice all the stuff you endure as a military spouse?

SO...you've been a military spouse for 10 day, 10 years, 45 years!  Are you feeling under appreciated?  Over tasked? Over whelmed?  Do you think the world doesn't notice all the stuff you endure as a military spouse?

Fear not!  Friday is Military Spouse Appreciation Day!  Seriously....

 I found this information and had to share it!

"On Friday May 11,
2007 military spouses all over the world will get a little pampering
and many well deserved gestures of gratitude as they celebrate Military
Spouse Appreciation Day. Special events are planned throughout DoD and
military installations to commemorate the day.

President Ronald Reagan first proclaimed the Friday before Mother's
Day of each year to be Military Spouse Appreciation Day in 1984 to
recognize the many contributions and sacrifices military spouses make
every day in support of military members and the nation as a whole. The
words in his proclamation could not be truer today:

Throughout the years, as the numbers of our married men and
women in uniform have grown and as their military missions have become
more complex and dispersed , their spouses have made countless personal
sacrifices to support the Armed Forces. In many instances, they
subordinated their personal and professional aspirations to the greater
benefit of the military families. 

NMFA extends its heart-felt appreciation to all military spouses for
their support of their service member and the military community.  You
truly are the un-sung heroes!"

Do I send this out into the blog world to let you know the world recognizes your significance and appreciates your sacrifices?   Heck no!  I wrote this to let you know that you can legitimately remind your SPOUSE to recognize and appreciate you on Friday! 

I can't believe they put this near the ever popular Mother's Day - truly I prefer having some time in between holidays to increase the value of said appreciation.  I also think it's a little sexist - my own recognition and shout out to the male spouses!  Having said that, I'm very appreciative of the formal recognition!  Make sure you let your spouse know to appreciate and pamper you on Friday!