Cheaper Than Therapy

I am really getting anxious for the SpouseBuzz LIVE 2 Event in San Diego.  I am seriously fired up, after  attending the Milblogging Conference, and I am ready to do it again. 

I am really getting anxious for the SpouseBuzz LIVE 2 Event in San Diego.  I am seriously fired up, after  attending the Milblogging Conference, and I am ready to do it again. 

I think you will be amazed at what a powerful experience it can be to share with one another in a group where we all have some common ground.  I think you will walk away amazed, and inspired and empowered! 

I have had a couple of e-mails asking questions about the event.....

Dear ArmyWifeToddlermom,

What are you wearing to the event?  Is there a dress code?

That is a great question, frankly i have not yet decided what to wear.  I might wear some white pants, or a denim skirt.  In usual AWTM I will over pack like I will be living in San Diego for a month.  I think the event is business casual.  So dress however you feel comfortable.  It is really a filled day.

Dear AWTM,

I am coming to San Diego, and I am excited.  I do have a couple of questions....Is there a dress code for the event?  Can I bring my laptop?  Is the free childcare still available?

Dress Code, once again!  Which kills me, frankly I never know what to wear.  See the above answer!  Bring your laptop, there will be a crash course on starting your own blog.  Blogging is cheaper than therapy, an inexpensive hobby, and is addictive!  It may also come in handy, if you already have a blog and want to blog the event live!!!  I know I am going to try too. 

As for the childcare, I do think there are some spots available.  Remember the first 200 are free.  So far we have 550 or so registrants!!!


I would love to start my own blog, and I will be in San diego, do you think you would have a couple of minutes to show me how to get started?

There will be an entire panel dedicated to getting your own blog!!  ENJOY!

OH and before I forget,  don't forget gum.  you will be meeting a lot of new people, and you want minty fresh breath!  Bring  pen and never know what you might need to write down.  Do not forget to bring a calling card/business card if you have them.  Networking is very important in the mil-spouse community.  You may meet up with an old friend, or make a new one. 

Oh and before I forget...pack some tissues.  Heck pack a lot of tissue.  Some of the ladies have some very touching and inspiring stories.  Heck even I the resident tough guy, turned soft at the very first SpouseBuzz event.  (Just when I thought I was going to win the award for military wife, that had gone the longest without crying.  Oh and I made myself cry...which is even worse.) 

So bring tissue...if not for you , well for the lady to your left might need them.

WE cannot wait to see you in San Diego!!

*UPDATE****  the daycare is full!!!