A Bachelor Recap

Did you watch ABC's The Bachelor last night?  I know I know, your thinking "how can you watch that drivel" which is what the husband said.  Or...you might be a closet watcher, which is completely OK too.  Or...you might be like me and confess to the train wreck watching.

Did you watch ABC's The Bachelor last night?  I know I know, your thinking "how can you watch that drivel" which is what the husband said.  Or...you might be a closet watcher, which is completely OK too.  Or...you might be like me and confess to the train wreck watching.

Last night all the girls we love to hate were eliminated.  Darn.

My favorite quote of the evening you ask?

The look on Tina's face when she realizes the $500,000 car and the yacht are not his.  "You can't afford that?" Um, no....he's not a Prince for pete's sake!

I'm just wondering what these girls would think of base housing, sometimes you just don't live in a place long enough to buy a mansion/house!

Welcome to the fun.  We all learned the hard way, which I am sure she will too.  I so wish we could help cushion the blow.  I guess we all have our own learning curve in this mil-life.  It could be said learning is half the fun.  If we knew exactly what we were in for, we might have made a run for the door.  Isn't Love is a wonderful thing!?