When You Have Neither Prince, Nor Toad

MaintToad1 is really a prince in disguise...just do not kiss him in gratitude or you'll have one angry servicemember after you.  He not only helps out the less mechanically savvy spouses, he reminds others to do the same.

MaintToad1 is really a prince in disguise...just do not kiss him in gratitude or you'll have one angry servicemember after you.  He not only helps out the less mechanically savvy spouses, he reminds others to do the same.

His post reminded me of a service I had heard about while DH was deployed.  A quick Gmail search and there it was: Project EverGreen:

Project EverGreen is launching a nationwide outreach program connecting local lawn and landscape firms with men and women serving our country in the armed forces away from home. Lawn and landscape maintenance becomes a definite hardship when a family's major breadwinner is on active duty away from home. GreenCare for Troops is designed to show the green industry's concern for this situation, helping affected families maintain their homes' green spaces.

I never used this service but it seems like something worth checking out if you would be otherwise unable to properly maintain your lawn. We should all pull together during deployment and help each other out but sometimes the geographic barriers get in the way--it is nice to know organizations like these are filling that need.

If you do not have your prince (or princess) home, and there is no helpful toad to be found, you may want to give Project EverGreen a try.