SpouseBUZZ Goes LIVE

On May 12, Military.com and USAA are taking SpouseBUZZ on the road.

On May 12, Military.com and USAA are taking SpouseBUZZ on the road.

Guess where we're going?


Those of you in the San Diego/Camp Pendleton area are NOT going to want to miss this FREE event.

SpouseBUZZ LIVE San Diego is a celebration thrown in the honor of you - the military spouse. It's our way to thank you for your many sacrifices.

SpouseBUZZ.com allows milspouses all over the world to connect in the "virtual sense." SpouseBUZZ LIVE San Diego will take this connection off-line and allow milspouses to come together for a more personal connection.

The celebration will begin with morning panel sessions featuring SpouseBUZZ authors. Panel discussions will offer milspouses an interactive venue where you can discuss issues which are unique and important to you. Panel discussions will be followed by a fun-filled afternoon of informative, entertaining breakout sessions, lunch and pampering services designed to offer a relaxing, enjoyable environment for you. Oh, and you won't be going home empty-handed. You'll be leaving with a bag filled with goodies. Free stuff is always "a good thing."

Want to come but not sure what to do with the children? No problem, bring them along. We're providing free, on-site childcare managed by KiddieCorp, a professional conference childcare company. Parents aren't the only ones who are going to have fun, we have an action-packed day planned for the children, too. Let the kids play just steps away from where you will be bonding and relaxing with hundreds of other milspouses.

SpouseBUZZ LIVE San Diego will take place at the beautiful San Diego Convention Center on May 12 from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm. Program details are still being hammered out. We'll be bringing you more information about the breakout sessions and other fun events in the coming days. For now, just know that BIG things are being planned. SpouseBUZZ LIVE San Diego is sure to be unlike any other event you've attended for military spouses.    

Admission to SpouseBUZZ LIVE San Diego is FREE to all military spouses. You just need to pre-register on-line and bring your military ID card with you on May 12. Click here to register and reserve your seat.

We'll see you in San Diego!