"Stars and Stripes" Valentines

Last year I sent a "Stars and Stripes" Valentine to my hubby while he was in Iraq with an unexpected result. My husband's grandfather had served in WWII and stayed in touch with many of his buddies for decades, often including his family in reunions. As it turns out, one of DH's grandfather's comrades also had a grandson who joined up and was serving in Iraq. He saw my Valentine, recognized DH's name, and got back in touch with my DH.  Small world.

Last year I sent a "Stars and Stripes" Valentine to my hubby while he was in Iraq with an unexpected result. My husband's grandfather had served in WWII and stayed in touch with many of his buddies for decades, often including his family in reunions. As it turns out, one of DH's grandfather's comrades also had a grandson who joined up and was serving in Iraq. He saw my Valentine, recognized DH's name, and got back in touch with my DH.  Small world.

Although the deadline for the printed version has passed, you have until February 13, 8 a.m, EST to send your sweetie a Valentine in the online version of "Stars and Stripes." You may submit a message, up to 255 characters, and a photograph. Send your servicemember a virtual love note today!