Random Acts of Loveliness

Some of us have admitted and some of us have lamented that Valentine's Day isn't any big thing in our households.  For most of us, if we don't do something romantic on Valentine's Day or have something romantic done for us, it might not be all that upsetting...after all, we do have someone special in our lives.

Some of us have admitted and some of us have lamented that Valentine's Day isn't any big thing in our households.  For most of us, if we don't do something romantic on Valentine's Day or have something romantic done for us, it might not be all that upsetting...after all, we do have someone special in our lives.

What if we started a SpouseBuzz wave of kindness?  A Pay-it-forward Buzz-nanza, if you will.

I'm challenging you.

That's right.

I'm calling you out!  If you went to my elementary school, this would be the equivalent of me telling you to meet me at the flagpole at 3:15 p.m. (This never made sense to me because the flag pole was smack in the middle of the school's front yard in plain view of the principal's office).  Nevertheless, be there or be square!

I'm challenging you to commit at least one random act of kindness today.  And then, put it in comments.  Your comment may be inspiration for someone who wants to participate but isn't feeling particularly creative today.

We'll carry this Buzz-nanza right on through Valentine's Day and beyond, so get out there and commit a random act of loveliness!