You want MY Social Security Number?

This morning the unthinkable happened - Someone asked for MY social security number!!!!  Good thing I had my ID card - I'd never have been able to retrieve it from the back recesses of my mind!  Who remembers that sort of thing?????  I've never needed it in the 15 years I've been married to the military!

This morning the unthinkable happened - Someone asked for MY social security number!!!!  Good thing I had my ID card - I'd never have been able to retrieve it from the back recesses of my mind!  Who remembers that sort of thing?????  I've never needed it in the 15 years I've been married to the military!

It was at the military medical center - which really threw me for a loop!  I'm having surgery (minor) next week and was filling out all the pre-op information.  The box only said SSN - which I took meant Sponsor's Social Security Number and quickly wrote in my husband's.  You could have blown me over with a feather when I realized they wanted MY social security number!  The odds of me remembering my driver's license number are as good as me remembering my SSN!

Remember the good old days?  Days in the distant past when you were your own person?  When you had an identify beyond first letter of your last name and last four of your husband's SSN?  I never realized how much I'd melded in the marriage. 

Well, I'm bound and determined to remember my SSN for this year's New Year's Resolution!  Thank heavens, I finally have one!  At least one I'm willing to keep!