One Bite at a Time

When 2006 rolled into 2007,  Joann asked you "What is your resolution?"    I love the New Year and reassessing my life and its current path, and deciding what can be done better, deciding what really matters to me and my family. 

When 2006 rolled into 2007,  Joann asked you "What is your resolution?"    I love the New Year and reassessing my life and its current path, and deciding what can be done better, deciding what really matters to me and my family. 

This month the focus has been  "EMPOWERMENT".

Some of us made resolutions to empower ourselves.  Most of us, probably want to do better for ourselves and our families.  We want to feel better, stronger, healthier.  We want to live in an organized environment, and we all want a little extra time to ourselves.  So we can indulge in a hobby. 

I myself am a list maker, and a diarist.  It helps me keep track of even the smallest accomplishments.   It makes me feel as though I did accomplish something.  Especially on those days, that seem chaotic. 

I think the one of the best ways to accomplish a goal is to become accountable.  A list can help with that. 

I also find sometimes people need to make a list to break a task down.  I am currently trying to organize some things around my home.  Instead of just putting "clean master bedroom closet", I can break that down.  Because being a Stay at home Mother to a 3 year old and 5 year old means there is no way I can "clean an entire closet" in one sitting. Plus honestly, I do not want to sit in a closet for an entire day.  My attention span is short.  So I have learned to break the list into smaller increments that are easily met.  No one likes to fail. 


Monday:  Master Bedroom-go through shoes and boots

Tuesday: Remove clothing that is no longer worn, or no longer fits.

Wednesday: Organize existing clothing

Anyway you get the picture.  I think this is attainable to most of us. 

You will be amazed at what can be accomplished by taking things one bite at time. 

Just remember to make a list, make your goals attainable, and remember tomorrow is a new day!   

One of my readers, suggested this site "FlyLady"She does offer some fantastic tips for organizing, and housekeeping.   

To those of you who made resolutions, We want to hear from you, we  want to hear how your plan is working.  I am sure we could all benefit from hearing how you are attaining your goals!