All I want for Christmas...

The question was posted over at the Castle...

The question was posted over at the Castle...

..."Whattaya Want for Christmas?"

So, I answered. I was in a somewhat melancholy mood and trying my best to avoid throwing myself a pity party.

I would like a better answer to my daughter's comment that she misses her daddy besides "me too, baby. Me too." *sigh*
A winning lottery ticket would be nice. I'm not greedy - 5 zeros would be acceptable. A fast forward button on life? That would be kind of nice. Just to get us to July-ish.
I'd like to not be a single parent for a little while. I'd like to sleep the sleep that you sleep when you're not the ONLY adult in the house, responsible for the health, welfare, and spiritual guidance of 2 children who depend on you wholeheartedly. I'd like to have someone to sit with on the couch at the end of the day and just BE with. I'd like to have someone here to help me put up Christmas decorations.
Honestly, though, I do not want for much. My family is safe (relatively speaking) and healthy (well, physically at least!). We have a good church family here and good friends throughout the world that love us and pray for us like we love them and pray for them. We have a roof over our heads, food on the table, and the freedom to do as we please. That pretty much covers it.
Though snow would be nice ;~) Gosh, I miss snow!!!
Mele Kalikimaka!

John saw fit to give my comment its own post. I'm not sure that was warranted. I was simply trying to be honest. I've been asked several times over the past few weeks what I want for Christmas. I have no answer.

Yes, there are things on my Amazon wishlist that I would like. But nothing really jumps out at me. Everything that I truly want for Christmas this year is sitting about 12,000 miles away in a CHU (containerized housing unit...a shipping container with a window and a door) missing me and the kids probably as much as we miss him. And Amazon doesn't have him in stock ;~)

So I could wallow but I am doing my best not to. It does not set a good example for my children nor does it do me any good. It is not productive. So I am trying to focus on the things I *do* have this Christmas...

- people who love me (some more than others but still, there are people who love me)

- people whom I love (again, some more than others!)
- my needs are met as are many of my wants

- a man in my life who has a sense of duty, honor, and integrity

- 2 wonderful chilrdren

- family coming to town for the holidays

- friends around me

- a church family that loves us and supports us in more ways than I could have ever imagined

- the ability to give to others who are in need

The list is long and I could go on. And on. And for that, I am truly greatful.

But I do miss the snow...