Special Needs Book

The Department of Defense (DoD) Special Needs Parent Tool Kit contains
118 pages of comprehensive information and tools geared towards helping
military families with special needs children navigate the maze of
medical and special education services, community support and benefits
and entitlements. (for more information on this tool kit, please see the complete article at military.com)

The Department of Defense (DoD) Special Needs Parent Tool Kit contains
118 pages of comprehensive information and tools geared towards helping
military families with special needs children navigate the maze of
medical and special education services, community support and benefits
and entitlements. (for more information on this tool kit, please see the complete article at military.com)

When I first read this I was very excited.  As the mother of a Cancer survivor with another child who is hard-of-hearing, I get excited about stuff like this.  Well, I was excited until I got to the part about 118 pages.  Are they kidding?????? 

118 pages!!!?????!!  I don't even have enough time to read the paper on a daily basis!  Apparently, this was not put together by 'special needs' parents!  If it were, it may have been a max of 15 pages with fold-outs for more information, ONLY if absolutely necessary. The really, really important stuff would have been in 36 bold font - and there'd better not be more than 5 of these!

I also didn't see where I could order one of these from the DoD website.  I did send a comment and will let you know when I hear back.  I could download and print off - as if! - but not order.  Shouldn't tool kits be something we can order?  Just seems like a tool kit would be better if I could hold it in my hands in the hospital waiting areas - this is where 'special needs' parents seem to get a lot of their reading done!  Ask any man, tools need to be in the hands of people to be useful!

Actually, it's got some great information in there - which is why I'm bringing it to your attention.  This needs wide dissemination.  If you know a special needs family, download and print it for them!  Or, if you find out how to order a copy, let us know!