Sleep is SOOOO overrated

LoveMyTanker asks the question, Do you sleep while they are gone?

LoveMyTanker asks the question, Do you sleep while they are gone?

Pshaw...sleep is SOOOOOO overrated. At least, that is what I keep telling myself. I am a night owl by nature. I blame my mother. She is too. I got her genes on this one. Damn her. MacGyver is anything BUT a night owl. He's in bed by 11pm. Usually it's closer to 10pm. Granted he has to wake up at o'dark thirty but still, he's NOT a night owl. Me? I'm more than willing to stay up until 2am if left to my own devices.

Unfortunately, the children took after their father. While I am content
to sleep until 9 or even 10am on a regular day, they are up with the
sun. I believe ArmyWifeToddlerMom calls them "Farmer's Hours". When
MacGyver is home, I tend to go to bed when he does. Just makes life
easier. But now that he's gone, I tend to stick to my own hours.
Unfortunately, my children also stick to theirs.

Which means that, for the past 3-4 months I have been averaging less
than 6 hours of sleep per night. Not a good thing. It has finally
caught up with me and I am sick as a dog. Think I'll learn? Nope. As
soon as I'm feeling better, I'll be up past midnight again.

As for falling asleep, I am fortunate in that rarely does my
life or what is going on in it affect my ability to fall asleep. Even
during the most stressful times in my life, I have usually been able to
fall asleep pretty easily and sleep well through the night. When
MacGyver first left, I got some of the best sleep I had had in a LONG
time. Maybe because I had slept so horribly in the days leading up to
the deployment? Or because I finally was able to spread out like I
prefer and didn't have to fight anyone for the blanket or the pillow?
Who knows? I am greatful that I am able to sleep.

I do, however, sleep with things that remind me of him. Currently it's
his flight suit. I used it to dress up for Halloween and realized that
it still smelled of him so it is now in bed with me. Looks a little odd
lying there but at least I haven't stuffed it to make it really
look life-like. THAT would be odd. At first, I slept with his pillow
but eventually that lost it's smell. Eventually the flight suit will
too. But then he'll be home for R&R and I can save up a few things
to sleep with when he leaves.

Silly, I know but you do what you have to do, right? Whatever works. Now I'm off to take a nap!


- hfs