Military Friends

We all know that military friends never really say good-bye, just 'see ya' down the road'.  It's true, eventually we all meet up again.  And that's a great thing!

We all know that military friends never really say good-bye, just 'see ya' down the road'.  It's true, eventually we all meet up again.  And that's a great thing!

A friend of mine just sent me an email that shows the differences between military friends and regular, run-of-the-mill friends.   It was too good to keep to myself!

Friends: Never ask for food
Military Friends: Are the
reason you have no food.

Friends: Borrow your stuff for a few days and
then give it back.
Military Friends: Borrow your stuff, keep it, and it goes
PCS with

Friends: Know a few things about you.
Friends: Know all about you or have met someone else at
another duty station
who does.

Friends: Will leave you behind if that's what the crowd is

Military Friends: Cry like babies because
they HAVE to leave you.

Friends: Call your parents Mr. and
Military Friends: Call your parents Mom and Dad.

Friends: Bail
you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong.
Military Friends: Would
be sitting in jail next to you saying, "Man,
they made a BIG mistake trying
to jump us."

Friends: Have never seen you cry.
Military Friends:
Cry with you.

Friends: Will knock on your front door
Friends: Walk right in and say, "I'm home."

Friends: Are your friends
for a while
Military Friends: Are your friends for life as you move about
country or the world.

God Bless my military friends!  You are my strength, my backbone, my funny bone and the reason I can so often smile no matter what life, or the military, throw at me!