Introducing the "What's Your Story" Contest

SpouseBUZZ wants to hear from you, so we're introducing a new monthly feature, the "What's Your Story?" Contest. Each month, the SpouseBUZZ authors will choose a topic; deployment, reintegration, homecoming, TriCare, life as a milspouse, etc.. We'll throw the topic out and ask you to submit your stories. Stories should be no more than 900 words in length. We'll take submissions from the 1st through the 15th of each month. The SpouseBUZZ authors will vote on the submissions and choose a winner. The winning submission will then be published on SpouseBUZZ, and the winner will receive a goodie bag. Be as creative and humorous as possible.

SpouseBUZZ wants to hear from you, so we're introducing a new monthly feature, the "What's Your Story?" Contest. Each month, the SpouseBUZZ authors will choose a topic; deployment, reintegration, homecoming, TriCare, life as a milspouse, etc.. We'll throw the topic out and ask you to submit your stories. Stories should be no more than 900 words in length. We'll take submissions from the 1st through the 15th of each month. The SpouseBUZZ authors will vote on the submissions and choose a winner. The winning submission will then be published on SpouseBUZZ, and the winner will receive a goodie bag. Be as creative and humorous as possible.

November is Military Families Appreciation Month. Expanding on that topic, SpouseBUZZ wants to know what being a milspouse means to you. November's topic - "My Life as a Military Spouse." I discovered this funny story before our contest began, but I think MJ deserves to be an honorary winner.

We're looking forward to reading your story.

Click here to email your story.

Good Luck!