From the Mailbag

A milspouses sends this email:

A milspouses sends this email:

I would like to hear from spouses on whether they think volunteering within the military reflects well on their active-duty spouse or not?  I know many of us volunteer to make a difference in someone's life or to help the greater good.  But, a side benefit - we sometimes hope- is to help make our active duty spouse look good.  It is a team effort, right?  I think this might make for some active discussion.

As for this sentence:

I know many of us volunteer to make a difference in someone's life or to help the greater good.

We haven't discussed volunteerism much at SpouseBUZZ, but I do believe that one of the most special and rewarding things an individual can do is to take their precious time and give it to a person in need, or to a cause that benefits others. I think most volunteers would say that the benefits they receive from helping others are enormous.

Next point:

But, a side benefit - we sometimes hope- is to help make our active duty spouse look good.

My personal belief is that our spouses will rise and fall on their own merit, despite our actions, but certainly good works can't hurt. I don't think milspouses are any different than civilian spouses in the respect that most of us hope that we reflect well upon our spouses.

The milspouse who sent this email would like to hear from you on whether or not you think volunteering "within the military reflects well" on your spouse. Please share your thoughts with us.