From the Mailbag

An Army wife asks:

An Army wife asks:

I have been through Navy sub deployments, 4 month tour to Iraq but now faced with our 1st one year deployment to Afghanistan.
We just bought our 1st home here off post so I feel I need to stay here but I also feel my 3 children and I would be more secure back home with his family. I'm confused on what to do. I would love to go home and abandon my new home but I also feel I'm an adult and I can't go running home every time he leaves. Any advice?

We touched on this topic here at SpouseBUZZ a few weeks ago. Each of us have unique personalities and circumstances. We deal with issues surrounding deployment in different ways. As with most questions of this type, I think milspouses have to do what's best for their family. What works for one spouse may not work for others.

When my husband left for a year-long tour in the Middle East, we had just moved into a new house only days before he left. Being in a new home was a good distraction for me because I was focused on decorating and making the house a home. I've always been in school, working or both during deployments, so I couldn't leave if I wanted to, but I never wanted to. I enjoy being in my own home and surrounded by the memories that my husband and I have created.

What about you?