Takin' it to the Streets

**Post bumped up for the benefit of our newcomers. Scroll down for fresh posts**

**Post bumped up for the benefit of our newcomers. Scroll down for fresh posts**

SpouseBUZZ is only four days old, but we're hitting the ground running. We're taking this show on the road.

Military.com is sponsoring SpouseBUZZ LIVE, an expo which will take place on Saturday, October 28 from 11:00 - 4:00 at The Plaza Hotel in Killeen, Texas. This expo will focus on topics and issues which are important to military spouses. Below, you'll find a list of panels/panelists.

THE MILSPOUSE EXPERIENCE: A warm-up discussion about the joys and challenges facing milspouses. This panel will feature a diverse group of spouses including active-duty, National Guard and a male spouse.

Moderated by Ward Carroll

Panelists: AWTM, Guard Wife, Sarah and Mike

DEPLOYMENT A-Z: A "potluck" discussion on a wide range of issues surrounding deployment.

Moderated by Vince Patton

Panelists: RedLegMeg, Airforcewife, Molly Pitcher, Love My Tanker

OVERCOMING LIFE CHALLENGES: How do you deal with the often-difficult reintegration period? What about PTSD? What happens if your spouse is wounded?

Moderated by Andi Hurley

Panelists: Joan D'Arc, Nancy Nuding (wife of Dadmanly), GBear, Ft. Hood representative

We'll have more information on SpouseBUZZ LIVE in the coming days, but for now, mark your calendars and if you're anywhere near Ft. Hood, come by and say hello.