Calling all military spouses!

Welcome to SpouseBUZZ!  My name/nickname/call-sign/handle is Joan D'Arc and I will be one of your tour guides on this blog.  As you know, life as a military spouse is a lot like being on a ship at sea - one minute the waters are calm and your shipmates (i.e. children) are asleep or actually getting along - the next minute the waves of life hit you and you get completely off course.  Sound familiar?  If so, then you have come to the right place.  This blog is chock full of tour guides from numerous backgrounds and experiences.  Personally, I hope I can help make your life as a military spouse a little easier.  I am by no means an expert!!!  I plan to learn from you, other amazing military spouses, and I hope you can learn a little from me as well.

Welcome to SpouseBUZZ!  My name/nickname/call-sign/handle is Joan D'Arc and I will be one of your tour guides on this blog.  As you know, life as a military spouse is a lot like being on a ship at sea - one minute the waters are calm and your shipmates (i.e. children) are asleep or actually getting along - the next minute the waves of life hit you and you get completely off course.  Sound familiar?  If so, then you have come to the right place.  This blog is chock full of tour guides from numerous backgrounds and experiences.  Personally, I hope I can help make your life as a military spouse a little easier.  I am by no means an expert!!!  I plan to learn from you, other amazing military spouses, and I hope you can learn a little from me as well.

That said, let me tell you a little about myself (I did say a little... I won't bore you with ALL the details!).

1. I have been an active duty Army spouse for 9 years (okay, 9 years, 4 months and 9 days, but who's counting?).  2. I was once on active duty (short-lived due to an injury).  3. I have the two most talkative children (and most adorable, in my humble opinion) on the planet!  They get their chatter-boxes from their father.  No, really, they do! :)  4. My husband has deployed to Kuwait, Kosovo, and Iraq. 5. I have more Family Readiness Group (FRG) experience than I care to admit!  Again, I am no expert, but I have done A LOT!  6. I have PCSed 4 times and now I am in good ole Pennsylvania - my home state!  7. I am a HUGE Steeler fan and even got to go to the Super Bowl!!!  8. I am a graduate student who has struggled with transferring schools and losing credits (thanks to our PCS this summer).  I SHOULD be done in December 2007 (fingers crossed!).  9. I love to do volunteer work for many different things (military and "civilian").  It keeps me busy and expands my knowledge of the world around me (and I meet really interesting and amazing people, like the other authors of this blog).  10. I have experienced one of all military spouses worst nightmares - the phone call telling me my husband has been seriously wounded.  I have "been there, done that, got the t-shirt!"  It was a loooong trip out to sea with that experience, but my husband is doing really well now and life is, for the most part, back to normal.

So now you know a little about me.  What about you?  This blog is here for YOU!  We, the authors, want to know what life as a military spouse is like for you.  We want to hear your thoughts, experiences, questions, advice, concerns, anything you have to say.  Don't be shy... hop on board the SpouseBUZZ ship and hold on for an amazing ride!

Please note that this blog would not be possible without  The staff has worked VERY hard at making this blog a reality!  Thank you,, for giving this blog your blessing so the military spouses all over the world can connect and support one another.

And to our fearless leader (you know who you are :).  This blog would also not exist without the hard work and dedication of one of the authors.  THANK YOU and we love you!

Now, add SpouseBUZZ to your favorites and visit us often.  Tell your friends about us too!  We look forward to having you on board!