Starbucks Renews Its Commitment to Hiring Military Spouses

Starbucks has renewed its commitment to hiring military spouses. Photo courtesy of Starbucks.

As if the magical sous vide egg bites and the cloud macchiato weren't enough to get you in the door, our favorite coffee giant, Starbucks, is making us love it even more.

As if the magical sous vide egg bites and the cloud macchiato weren't enough to get you in the door, our favorite coffee giant, Starbucks, is making us love it even more.

Last week, Starbucks announced that it has reached its veteran and military spouse hiring commitment of 25,000 hires by 2025, six years ahead of schedule.

Hiring 25,000 veterans and military spouses is incredible. Certainly, if Starbucks stopped there, no one would bat an eye; that would be enough. But it wants to do more.

The company has committed to hiring 5,000 more veterans and military spouses annually. That's right: 5,000 more baristas, managers and other corporate employees will be hired from the veteran and military spouse community each year.

Starbucks has also vowed to expand its existing commitment to the military community by dedicating 60+ Military Family Stores around the nation. The stores hire and honor spouses and vets, providing a child or spouse of a partner (employee) who is a current or former armed forces member with tuition-free education through the Starbucks College Achievement Plan; sending free coffee to overseas troops through Adopt a Unit; partnering with veteran services organizations such as Hiring Our Heroes, Team Rubicon and others to support veterans and military families; and more.

When asked why the company wants to hire military spouses specifically, Matt Kress, Starbucks' senior manager of Veteran and Military Affairs, explained, "At Starbucks, we recognize veterans and military spouses make our company better and our communities stronger.

"Unfortunately, both of these communities face specific barriers to employment, including frequent cross-country moves and unconventional professional experience, which makes employment opportunities difficult," he added. "Specifically, military spouses have unemployment rates four times the national average (16-18%), and Starbucks looks to connect these communities to stable employment, relevant resources for military families and like-minded communities that support and honor the military."

Next time you head into Starbucks, raise your cup to its commitment to us.

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