This Military Design Show Offers Great Tips -- and Needs Contestants

Maria Reed and her Army husband host the web-based show "Moving With the Military." (Courtesy of Maria Reed)

Army spouse Maria Reed knows three things really well: military life, home decorating and the film business.

Army spouse Maria Reed knows three things really well: military life, home decorating and the film business.

So maybe that's why Reed's web based series, which focuses on makeovers for spaces in military family member owned and rented homes, seems so perfect and entertaining. With 25 years in film and TV, Reed doesn't just know what she's doing, she's darn good at it.

Moving With the Military, Reed's site and web series, combines HGTV-style makeover episodes with home design tips shared in beautiful blog posts that can help us spice up even the most drab spaces.

Better yet, the whole thing is military-centric (as the title suggests), meaning that each and every episode and post is created with the knowledge that decorating around military life must be portable and low stress.

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Reed said she first got the idea for the series from her daughter, who showed her that something as simple as painting her bedroom amped up her joy and made her space feel like home.

Now Reed focuses her series on creating joy in spaces through what she calls "removable, reusable and affordable" decorating solutions.

Better yet? She is looking for candidates for her show, and you might be the perfect fit.

Unlike many of the HGTV shows which offer renovations with furniture used for staging that those featured on the show don't get to keep, Reed isn't looking to rip down walls and then take home the goods. Instead, she works focuses on makeovers that are mobile, and works with local companies to donate or drastically reduce costs of decorating solutions. Those are then provided free of charge to those on the show.

Interested? You can shoot them a message on their contact page. Reed warns that she can't take her series everywhere at once, but she doesn't have a show without families to feature.