We Met Online: Am I Married ... Or Is It a Scam?

Ms. Vicki

Dear Ms. Vicki,

Dear Ms. Vicki,

I think I've been scammed by a supposed U.S. Army soldier who said he is currently in Nigeria.

I did send money, but not a great deal. I'm worried because he has my name, address, date of birth and Social Security number.

I paid for a proxy marriage as well, but I started digging and found that the address he gave me in Tampa, Florida, does not belong to him. Also, the email address he used was @usa.com.

Do you think my proxy marriage is void? The address I got for the proxy marriage is 93rd Avenue Abraham Dave St., Washington, which I think is also false.

Another question: Do you think he can get into my bank account? I did give him my banking information.

I'm so glad I did not carry this on; he is still ringing me and texting me asking for things. Please help.

-- Scammed!

Dear Scammed,

I am getting more experience with relationships, divorces and even scam marriages and now scam divorces. Every time I answer one of these letters, I say: This is a scam, don't send money, and cease all contact with the person. But I still keep getting letters like yours.

Listen: These people, whoever they are, operate like a well-oiled machine. They swipe photos of military men and women from the internet and other social networking sites. The photos they use are pictures of very handsome and physically fit military men or beautiful women.

They do this to hoodwink you and to make you fall in love. It keeps happening no matter what I say.

More to your question, I don't know the status of your proxy marriage. My suggestion would be for you to get legal advice. You should also change all of your bank accounts. Never, ever have contact with this person again. Change your phone numbers and all of your information on your social networking accounts.

Lastly, change all of the locks on your doors. This may sound drastic, but I have even heard from women whose homes were vandalized or who were physically assaulted. This is serious! I hope you will be OK.

-- Ms. Vicki

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