A Military Spouse's Guide to Getting a Job

As a military spouse, beginning a job hunt may be your next big move after settling into your new home following a permanent change of station (PCS). Find out what employment assistance programs the new base or post offers for spouses who want to work. Many installations have partnerships with employers in the local community and try to help place spouses. Some even offer training programs to help spouses update their work skills. For information and links to career and job-search tools for military spouses, visit SaveAndInvest.org.

As a military spouse, beginning a job hunt may be your next big move after settling into your new home following a permanent change of station (PCS). Find out what employment assistance programs the new base or post offers for spouses who want to work. Many installations have partnerships with employers in the local community and try to help place spouses. Some even offer training programs to help spouses update their work skills. For information and links to career and job-search tools for military spouses, visit SaveAndInvest.org.

Another option is to apply to the FINRA Investor Education Foundation Military Spouse Fellowship Program, which gives military spouses the opportunity to earn a career-enhancing credential—the Accredited Financial Counselor® (AFC) certificate—while providing volunteer financial counseling to the military community. The fellowship covers the costs associated with completing the AFC® training and testing.


Started in 2006, the program is administered in partnership with the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education® (AFCPE®) and the National Military Family Association (NMFA). To date, the FINRA Foundation has awarded nearly 600 Military Spouse Fellowships—and participants have logged more than 106,600 hours of service to the military community.


Working spouses may qualify for unemployment benefits in certain states after a move. Other options include registering with a national temporary agency, operating a home-based business and considering further education. Look into local colleges, online universities, community colleges and vocational programs. Your installation’s education center has information for both military personnel and spouses.

During your job search, be aware of work-at-home scams, which promise big money for easy work. The Federal Trade Commission’s publication Work at Home Schemes can help you recognize and avoid work-at-home scams that sound too good to be true. Additionally, check out work-at-home offers with your local Chamber of Commerce or Better Business Bureau and your installation’s family services office, especially for work-at-home offers targeted at military spouses.

More information about job hunting as a military spouse is available at www.SaveAndInvest.org.