How Far Will the Military Pay to Move Us on Our Last PCS?

We are getting ready to get out of the military. We are stationed in Georgia, and my wife's home of record is in Alabama. However, we want the military to move us to the house we own in Washington State.

We are getting ready to get out of the military. We are stationed in Georgia, and my wife's home of record is in Alabama. However, we want the military to move us to the house we own in Washington State.

I've heard that the military will pay for us to be moved only the mileage between here and her home of record, and that additional costs to get to Washington State must come out of our pockets. Is that true?

Like so many of the things we tackle, whether you will have to personally pay for a portion of your final move isn't just a true or false situation. It all depends on why you are getting out of the military, according to military move officials.

If your family is getting out of the military with an honorable discharge after your wife has served her time, then you are correct -- the military will only pay for you to move to your home of record. That means you will be paying out of pocket to go any farther.

But if your wife is retiring, is being medically retired, has been placed on the temporary disability retired list, or is being involuntarily separated from the military after serving eight or more years and given severance pay? The military will instead pay for you to move wherever you want within the U.S., known as your "home of selection."  

Good luck on your final move. 

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