2016 Kings Dominion Military Discounts

In addition to discounted tickets that may be available through your installation's ticket offices, Kings Dominion amusement park in Virginia has two upcoming promotions that offer free admission to military members, and several options for discounted family tickets.  Real all about the 2016 Kings Dominion Military Discounts that might work for your family.

Memorial Day Weekend

28 through 30 May 2016, Kings Dominion will grant free admission to any currently serving or retired US military member, with appropriate military identification card.  The website doesn't give many details, but it promotes extended fireworks and "special offers," without specifying what those special offers might be.

Independence Day

2 through 4 July 2016, Kings Dominion will grant free admission to any currently serving or retired US military member, with appropriate military identification card.  The website provides even less information about this "event for the whole family."

All Summer

In addition, Kings Dominion allows military members to  purchase up to six discounted tickets, at any time, at the gate.  It does not specify the price of the discounted tickets, so it may be cheaper to use the online ticket option.  If you're planning a trip to Kings Dominion, I would definitely call to sort out the price of the discounted military tickets before making a decision.

In addition to discounted tickets that may be available through your installation's ticket offices, Kings Dominion amusement park in Virginia has two upcoming promotions that offer free admission to military members, and several options for discounted family tickets.  Real all about the 2016 Kings Dominion Military Discounts that might work for your family.

Memorial Day Weekend

28 through 30 May 2016, Kings Dominion will grant free admission to any currently serving or retired US military member, with appropriate military identification card.  The website doesn't give many details, but it promotes extended fireworks and "special offers," without specifying what those special offers might be.

Independence Day

2 through 4 July 2016, Kings Dominion will grant free admission to any currently serving or retired US military member, with appropriate military identification card.  The website provides even less information about this "event for the whole family."

All Summer

In addition, Kings Dominion allows military members to  purchase up to six discounted tickets, at any time, at the gate.  It does not specify the price of the discounted tickets, so it may be cheaper to use the online ticket option.  If you're planning a trip to Kings Dominion, I would definitely call to sort out the price of the discounted military tickets before making a decision.

Other ways to get discounted tickets to Kings Dominion include this limited-time Groupon offer, or keep your eyes open on the back of register receipts (I saw a Kings Dominion offer on the back of a Dunkin Doughnuts receipt last week), or on soda cans throughout the summer (often Pepsi cans have a two for one Kings Dominion offer.)

If your summer plans include a trip to Kings Dominion, be sure to explore all the pricing options before making a decision about how to buy your tickets.  Amusement parks are amazingly expensive, and even a small discount on the admission price can be a lot of money.

Looking for more military discounts and deals?  See the Military.com deals center for information about ongoing and upcoming promotions, discounts, and special offers.