February Commissary Remote Location Sales

Are you an eligible commissary shopper who doesn't live near a commissary? You should keep an eye on the Defense Commissary Agency's "Guard/Reserve On-Site Sales" that happen at locations across the country. I call them commissary remote location sales because I really don't like the official name - I think it implies that they are only for National Guard and reserve families, and I think "on-site" isn't a very clear term.

Are you an eligible commissary shopper who doesn't live near a commissary? You should keep an eye on the Defense Commissary Agency's "Guard/Reserve On-Site Sales" that happen at locations across the country. I call them commissary remote location sales because I really don't like the official name - I think it implies that they are only for National Guard and reserve families, and I think "on-site" isn't a very clear term.

Guard/Reserve On-Site Sales are when a commissary store loads up a truck (or several) with commissary products, and brings them to a location that doesn't have a commissary store. They might be held in a hangar or a gym or a tent, or whatever the location can offer. Eligible commissary shoppers of all types can shop at these sales, including retirees, active duty families living away from a military installation, National Guard families, reserve families, and eligible survivors. The sales last one to three days and can have a range of products depending on the location, population, and capacity of the sponsoring store.

For February, there are two more remote location sales, both being held on February 12 and 13th.

Fort Gillem
5015 North 34th St.
Forest Park, GA 30297-5122
supported by the Robins AFB Commissary

NSA Panama City
Building 308, 110 Vernon Avenue
Panama City Beach, FL 32407
supported by the Tyndall AFB Commissary

If you plan to go to one of these sales, please contact the store that is organizing the sale for more information about times and specific locations.  The links in the listings above will take you to the contact information for the supporting stores.  Sale information is subject to change depending on weather and other logistical concerns, so don't make a special trip until you've confirmed the sale details.

These commissary remote location sales are a great way to take advantage of commissary products and prices without having to drive hours to a commissary store.