Aloha to the Commissary Furlough!

If you're old like me, you might remember when ESPN's Larry Beil coined the phrase, "Aloha means goodbye!"  Many of us are glad to say Aloha to the commissary closures caused by the federal government furloughs.

If you're old like me, you might remember when ESPN's Larry Beil coined the phrase, "Aloha means goodbye!"  Many of us are glad to say Aloha to the commissary closures caused by the federal government furloughs.

As the result of the Department of Defense's decision to reduce the required furloughs from 11 days to six days, all Defense Commissary Agency Commissary stores will resume their regular, pre-furlough operation schedules effective 18 August 2013.  All Commissary stores have been closed one extra day each week since 8 July 2013 as a result of the furloughs required by sequestration.

My local commissary is usually closed on Monday, so the furloughs have meant that our store has been closed on Mondays and Tuesday.  Honestly, I don't think it has been that big a deal.  It just requires me to think just a little further ahead when I'm planning my shopping.  As I said, however, I'm old.  I can remember when it wasn't unusual for smaller commissaries to be closed a day or two a week.  It seems reasonable to me.

I know that some people will be very happy to hear that the furloughs are ending early.  Happy shopping!