Free eBooks From Many Sources

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The Amazon link has been changed and is definitely working now.  Please let me know if you continue to have problems.

In an attempt to get below our moving weight limit, my family has slowly begun to embrace the electronic book.  We now have three Kindles, and I've quickly realized how much money we could spend on books.  It is important that we keep these costs down.  I don't need any more expenses, thanks!  Thankfully, there are many resources for free ebooks, either to own or to borrow.


Amazon and it's authors offer lots of free books, and they are permanent downloads.   This is not the best way to find a particular title, but it is a great way to fill your reading list of interesting fiction and non-fiction.  There are several ways to locate free books on Amazon.  I usually use this link to go to the top 100 free books for that hour.  Be sure to check that each book is free before you download as prices change regularly.  This list does tend towards romance and chick-lit, so you'll need to know about some other ways to search.

Once you are on the page linked above, there is a column on the left hand side that lists book categories.  If you click on a specific category, you will be directed to the top 100 books for that category.  Each page has two tabs, "Top 100 Paid" and "Top 100 Free."  I sometimes accidentally find myself on the paid page.  It is easy to click back to the free page by clicking on the link above the books.


Most library systems have ebook lending library.  If you don't belong to your local library, this is an excellent reason to join.  Ask about their ebook lending program and get the details for how to register and use the program.  My program offers up to five books at a time, to be borrowed for two weeks.

If you can find a way to do it legally, you might consider joining more than one library system.  For example, you might be able to use the libraries at your home of record and also the place where you actually live.

Other Resources

I could write a million words and still not cover every other free ebook resource available.  A quick internet search on "free ebooks" or "free kindle books" will provide you with days worth of suggestions.

Reading shouldn't be expensive, even if you've switched from paper books to electronic formats.  Be sure to scour all the available resources before spending your hard-earned cash on books.