30 December Weekend Roundup

It has been ages since I've written a weekend roundup.  Between the worst PCS ever, and keeping up with my military blogger friends, I haven't done a very good job of keeping up with my regular personal finance folks.  That is one of my goals for 2013.  So today, I spent several hours reading sites of my friends and other important PF bloggers.  And wow, did I find some good stuff:

It has been ages since I've written a weekend roundup.  Between the worst PCS ever, and keeping up with my military blogger friends, I haven't done a very good job of keeping up with my regular personal finance folks.  That is one of my goals for 2013.  So today, I spent several hours reading sites of my friends and other important PF bloggers.  And wow, did I find some good stuff:

My nomination for the best post of 2012 comes from Philip Taylor at PTMoney.  I had the pleasure of meeting Philip at USAA last year, and he is a great guy.  And apparently, brilliant, because this post sums up everything I believe about personal financial education:  The Secret To Becoming Your Own Financial Expert in 2013.  If you only read one thing this year, please let it be this post.

This next post is older, but I think it is fabulous.  Brought to you by Doug Nordman at Military Retirement and Financial Independence, Financial Independence on an E-5 Paycheck  is a guest post from a reader who is doing great things with a smaller amount of money.  I also met Doug at USAA last year, and he's as fun and laid back as he is passionate about helping military families.

I'm seriously considering returning to the envelope method of managing our cash, and I came across this:  Free Cash Envelope System Template and A Tutorial.  Oh, my gosh, what cute, durable cash envelopes.  This is definitely a want, not a need, so I'll refrain from buying them ready-made at the Etsy shop.  But I might get create and make them myself.  If you are an envelope budgeter, and you think a little style might improve your enthusiasm, you might want to make some, too.  Or if you have a little Christmas money and want to splurge, or if you don't already have all the craft items in your house, you can buy them custom made for you.

I hope everyone is enjoying some free time during this holiday season, and getting ready for a fantastic 2013.