Using Your Warranties

Tomorrow morning, many people will be opening presents. Unfortunately, some of these presents won't work the way they were supposed to work. Keeping track of your warranties and other documentation will let you return things that are under warranty.

Tomorrow morning, many people will be opening presents. Unfortunately, some of these presents won't work the way they were supposed to work. Keeping track of your warranties and other documentation will let you return things that are under warranty.

For me, however, I rarely have the warranties handy, and especially not the receipts. A perfect example is watches. Every few years, I buy a new watch. It is nearly always the exact same Timex watch. It comes with a one year warranty. I always throw it out, because I figure that it is just a $20 watch. Almost every time, it stops working before the end of the warranty period. So my watch, which could be replaced under warranty if I were more organized, is now worthless trash and I'm off to buy another watch.

This year, I am getting serious. Starting tomorrow, with the opening of the gifts, I am holding on to everything that even vaguely resembles a warranty. I'm not going to be fancy, just throw them in a file folder labelled with the year, and include any and all receipts. No more replacing products that should be covered by the manufacturer.

Do you have a good way of storing warranties and receipts? I'd love to hear. And definitely join me in the start of a new tradition: using warranties!